How to improve your QBR open rates

Your leaders and your account managers have bought in to Pulse, but your clients aren’t engaging with Pulse in the way you hoped. 

What is an average open rate and why should we aim for more? 

Open rates for survey tools average at 20-30%. Clientshare’s average as of June 2023 was 47.1%, so just by using Pulse you can expect to engage half of the individuals you’re sending reviews to. 

This means that 1 in 2 people making decisions on the contract don’t engage with the review sent, so what can be done to improve on this? 

Implement Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) Open Rate

How can we can improve our Open Rate? 

  • Explicitly introduce your clients to Pulse. Use an Introductory Review (sending a Pulse review to explain what Pulse is and how you will be using it going forward) to demonstrate the value Pulse can offer them, and the benefit of this new channel of feedback. This allows a client to ease their suspicions of a change in process, seeing Pulse as an innovation to their account management instead of it being just another software to learn. 
  • Follow up and chase. Feel free to chase non-responders. Use the sharable URL link to direct individuals straight to the review.
  • Whitelisting. If all client recipients are not receiving emails, or Pulse is sent to junk, you will need to send across our whitelisting resource that can be found on our Knowledge Centre here.
  • Value adding content. Add content to every review. A new web article, a slide deck or a recent LinkedIn blog. Keep Pulse reviews engaging by always providing innovative and refreshing content. Make a Pulse email a potential benefit to them, not just a chance to provide feedback. If a client feels the contents of their review is predictable, over time they are less likely to engage. 

What next?

If you have tried the above and are still struggling to engage your clients, take a look at our QBR Hub, our Blog or other Knowledge Centre articles. These pages are bursting at the seams with thought leadership and insights to help you get the most out of your Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs).

Still in need of guidance? Book a demo with our team.


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We interviewed hundreds of buyers of Logistics, FM, Contract Catering, IT, RPO and BPO services from the UK and US. The research uncovers an undeniable feeling among buyers that their suppliers need to start delivering better QBRs if they want to keep their business. Learn more about how your customers think you're losing out on key opportunities with them today.