i-FM: The urgent need for better supplier communication

James Ward
March 26, 2024


"We’ve all noticed the dramatic decline in face-to-face meetings post-pandemic. For clients and their suppliers, this can be a problem.

In the face of this decline, quarterly business reviews (QBRs) now represent the biggest opportunity for suppliers to demonstrate value and innovation, share insights and expertise, and create demand for additional services. 

However, far too many suppliers fall short. Clientshare recently commissioned research to reveal the extent to which buyer expectations around business reviews are rising, and to uncover how few suppliers are responding and keeping pace."


Download our research

The QBR Frustration whitepaper front cover

Download our research whitepaper, 'The QBR Frustration'

We interviewed 100 senior leaders of B2B enterprises across the Logistics, FM, Contract Catering, IT, RPO and BPO sectors from the UK and US. The research reveals the failures of today's QBRs and highlights the urgent need for better business conversations. Learn more about where you can improve your QBRs to protect your margin and grow relationships with buyers today.