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Review Localisation

Chris Jones takes you through how review localisation works in Pulse, allowing you to send reviews to EU recipients in different languages.



Chris: For our European and South American customers, we provide the option to translate your reviews to a number of different languages. To enable this feature, speak to one of the client shared team and they will turn this on for your organisation. Once it is turned on, go to the organisation settings, which can be accessed via an owner, and go to the workspaces tab as you can see on screen.

As you'll see here, you have a list of workspaces. And on the right hand side, you'll be able to see the review language for any workspaces that have been built before the feature has been turned on. They'll be defaulted to English. However, when you create a new workspace, you'll be able to select one of the new review languages as seen here on the left.

The languages we have are Spanish, Italian. German, French, Portuguese, and Brazilian Portuguese, as well as English. Once you're happy with your review language, you'll add your workspace and it will come up as seen here. For example, if I've selected German, this workspace here will have the review language changed to German.

Once you've assigned it, you won't be able to change it. If I go into. My dashboard. Every time I create a new review, sections of the review that are not editable will be changed to German. However, there will be some tips and other questions that will still be defaulted to English and need to be changed to German within your workspace settings.

This includes stuff like the senior manager message as well as the questions post index questions and review questions and then any other tips and editable functionality within the review. So if I go into create a new review, you'll see here that some options are changed to German.

Once you're happy with everything that has been changed within the review For any reviews sent, you'll be able to see here that everything has been changed to German. As you can see, the management message that has been manually provided is added in German, but any tool tips, and then also your scoring, and any taglines for each page will also be included in German.

Thanks for listening.


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