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How to deal with low NPS feedback

You're doing everything right, but the scores you're receiving are lower than you'd expect.

What does this mean for your company and how can you boost your NPS score and sentiment moving forward? 

Why is my NPS lower than average? 

Commonly, an online survey gets approximately a 10% response rate, meaning 9 in 10 individuals don’t provide feedback, and their sentiment remains unknown. 

At Clientshare, our average is triple this figure at over 30%, meaning you get responses from those that may not have given you feedback in a classic survey format. We’re confident our figure is more realistic, and often is paired with actionable feedback in the form of comments and follow-ups from those who may not have shared negative opinions previously. This actionable feedback is your key to unlocking higher NPS going forward.

Implement Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) Low NPS Manage Feedback 

Is there anything I can do to increase my NPS? 

  • Closing the loop on customer feedback. This involves receiving feedback, analysing it, taking it to the relevant team, making any changes and communicating this - or communicating the reasons there may not be a change - to the individual who gave you the feedback. This process has been seen to greatly improve response rates, reduce churn and increase the NPS over time, and would ideally be completed from start to finish in a weeks not months. 
  • Incentivise sending high quality reviews. Providing account managers with additional motivation to send high quality reviews has been seen to increase NPS scores. This can be in the form of appraisals, KPI’s or even incentives if you so wished. Motivated account managers send higher quality reviews. 
  • Send an introductory review. Use Pulse to send an Introductory review explaining to your clients the benefit for them of using Pulse. This has been seen to generate more favourable responses. Clients can see Pulse as an innovation instead of a new tool to learn. This goes to improve engagement rates and NPS on following reviews. 

What next?

Why not take a look at our QBR Hub, our Blog or other Knowledge Centre articles. These pages are full of insights to help you get the most out of your Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs).

Still in need of guidance? Book a demo with our team.




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Download our research whitepaper, 'The QBR Frustration'

We interviewed 100 senior leaders of B2B enterprises across the Logistics, FM, Contract Catering, IT, RPO and BPO sectors from the UK and US. The research reveals the failures of today's QBRs and highlights the urgent need for better business conversations. Learn more about where you can improve your QBRs to protect your margin and grow relationships with buyers today.