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How to navigate your Organisation Dashboard

Chris Jones takes you through how to navigate your Organisation Dashboard on Clientshare Pulse.



Chris: Hi, in this video I'm going to be showing you what your organisation level dashboard looks like and what to expect to see. Now within this dashboard you will see all data within each of your business units or sectors or regions and for all the clients or accounts that you have within that organisation. To start with you'll see at the top you have four key indicators and these will be ever present across the whole organisation and workspace level dashboards.


You'll see the number of licences that sit within your organisation, the number of reviews sent across the whole of your organisation and then the average NPS and Pulse Index scores across all clients and all workspaces within your organisation. To be able to filter down to specific accounts or sites or regions select the filter account manager or client option and here you'll be able to select by user or by client name. You can also filter by date, so whether it's the last 3, 6 or 12 months or potentially even a custom date filter.


You'll notice here that we have a list of all the most recent reviews sent for each of your clients. You'll see client names and the number of reviews that have been sent within the client. All of the last reviews that have been sent, if you drop down you'll see there's the percentage of reviews that have been dropped and then the average Pulse Index and NPS score across all the reviews that have been sent.


If you don't have a view on the analytics page of that review, select the free option down at the bottom and that's where you'll be able to view all of the analytics. To filter down to the most recent reviews, you can use the Pulse Index to find the most recent reviews. Finally, we'll move to the Yongxians'度 program.


With the particular features we're going to be using today, we're using the urgency program to test the improvement of youth Index remember?] We're using the urgency program to test the improvements of youth index.] There are a few remarks I'd like to make. First off, if you have any questions or comments about our technology and review of the project, you can be able to email us by email at smsup bununlynx.pla. great to see you who've joined us today! Great to see you who've joined us today! Lastly, before we get started with today's conversation, Thank you very much.


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