
How to edit your reviews
Chris Jones explains what you need to do if you'd like to edit or add the contents of your review after it has been sent.
Chris: You may find that once you've sent your review, you may wish to send it to additional recipients or add further content or actions to your review. To do this, you can edit your review by hovering over the review and selecting the three dots and selecting the edit review option. Once you're in the edit review section, you can edit any of the sections that you have already created for your review, like review name, review type, intro message, content, or add any additional client contacts.
You'll see here that I have three contacts I've already sent the review to. If I wish to add any further recipients, I can select those by clicking the dots there. I can also add new recipients that aren't already within the organisation by adding their first name, last name, email address, and job title, and selecting whether they're a client or a colleague.
Once I'm happy with the additional recipients, I can select add, and if I were to resend the review to them, it will only go to the new recipients that I've added within the edit review function.
As an admin or an owner, you can also edit other people's reviews that have been sent within your license. As you can see, Jasmine Bell's review here, I can then also click the three dots and edit her review. As a senior manager or account manager, I won't be able to edit other people's reviews. Also, for any reviews that are sent using the multi client review system, you won't be able to edit these either, as these will be sent to multiple different licenses.
And once you've updated it for one, it must be updated for all, in which case you won't be able to edit those ones. Thanks for listening.
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