Premium FAQs

How do I reset my password?

It's easy to get a new password for your Clientshare account. You can change it by going to You will receive an email that redirects you to the login page and allows you to enter a new password. All the necessary instructions for password criteria can be found on the reset password page. You can also change your password inside Clientshare by going to the Settings page and following the instructions under the 'Account' tab. If SSO has been enabled for your account and you forget your password, you will need to reset it through your Microsoft account.

How can I ensure Clientshare Premium adds value for my clients?

There are a few key areas to focus on to ensure Clientshare Premium adds value for your clients: 

1) Community. Ensure you have invited all key client stakeholders to join the Community. Gartner suggests that 8-10 people are involved in any given buying cycle, consider the people you were speaking with when your contract initially kicked off with the client. Procurement, finance, operations, HR and other departments may need access. 

2) Content. As a minimum, all reporting, including reviews, should be stored on Clientshare Premium. This includes KPIs, management information, invoices, contracts etc. In addition to this, your Marketing and/or Leadership team should be utilising the “Share to Many” feature, meaning companywide updates relevant for all clients can be shared in one go. Announcing new team members, highlighting contract successes and sharing innovation can also boost client activity. 

3) Consistency. If you have launched Clientshare Premium with your clients and set the expectation that Clientshare is the place to come to for all operational and value-adding content, ensure the content is there!  This will give clients piece of mind that should they need to access any information, they know where to go.

4) Integrations. Clientshare offer integrations with SharePoint, Power BI, Data Studio, Microsoft Dynamics and Microsoft SSO. Going live with these integrations will result in a better client experience, so if any of these tools are currently part of your toolset, speak to your Customer Success Manager. 

 How do I post a business review?

 To post a business review, simply go to the +New button on the top right of the screen and select “Add Review or Meeting” and follow the workflow on the page. 

How do l invite new stakeholders to join?

 Go to the Community section on the left-hand side of the page and select “Add a new member” and enter their first name, last name and email. Alternatively, you can go to the +New button on the top right of the screen, and click “Invite New Member” 

Is Clientshare secure?

Clientshare is an invite-only platform. Every account is password protected and can also have two-step verification enabled (code sent via email). Users logging in using Single Sign-On (SSO) will also have additional verification methods if enabled by their organisation. Workspaces also have domain restrictions so that only the necessary users can be invited to the company-specific workspaces.

Does Clientshare integrate with other tools?

Yes, Clientshare Premium integrates with SharePoint, Power BI, Data Studio, Microsoft Dynamics and Microsoft SSO. 

How do I login via Single Sign-On?

Instead of using the email and password fields on the login page, you must select the 'Login with SSO' option. Users can only use this option if SSO has been enabled for their domain by the Clientshare team. Users will either see a Microsoft pop-up asking them to enter their credentials, or a pop-up will briefly appear before disappearing and logging the user in. The latter will occur if the user is already signed into their Microsoft account on their browser. The user's Microsoft email address must match the email address used on Clientshare to log in. If you have any issues with logging in using this method, please contact

I have tried to login via SSO, but it says my email address or password is incorrect?

If the login pages provides the error message 'Your email address or password is incorrect', then the credentials used during the Microsoft login process do not match what is on our database. Please make sure you check which email address you are using to log in via the SSO pop-up and whether this matches the email address you have used to sign up to Clientshare. If there are any issues with this, please contact