How to get the most out of Clientshare Pulse

Here's our guide on how to get the most out of the Clientshare Pulse Quarterly Business Review (QBR) platform. 

Clientshare Pulse isn't just a tool to use once a quarter. It opens up opportunities for contract growth through upselling and cross-selling. In this video, Olivia explains Pulse best practice, enabling you to reap the rewards of efficient QBRs and data management.




Olivia: I'm a Customer Success Manager at Clientshare and today I'm going to be running you through some best practice uses of the system. So first of all, you would typically be using the system on a minimum of a quarterly basis, making sure you're getting your quarterly reviews out to your clients. Now this can also be on a monthly basis, but it is important to make sure your client is receiving something at least once a quarter.


So we'll start off with a review I've populated just to demonstrate some best practice. So you've got the title of your review and then how your review happens, whether it's a follow-up or you want to send it in advance, or you're just sending over some documentation your client can look over. Now this was a face-to-face meeting and I've added the meeting date there.


So moving on to the introduction section. So it's really important to make this message personalised and informative to your client as well. And I would say it's really important to add a video as well.

So I know it can feel uncomfortable to start with, but it really does help build rapport and a connection with your clients, especially if it's a stakeholder you don't get to see that often. So we also see it does boost the scoring rates that you receive from clients as well. And then moving on to the content section.


So we would say a minimum of two pieces of content per review is best practice. Obviously get as much out to your client as possible, but typically we would recommend sending your presentation that you've gone through with your clients, so your review presentation, and attaching that as a PDF or a similar format. And then you'd want to add any innovation or added value as well.


Some great company news to make sure that your client is aware of the great things that you're doing on the contract, but also the company is doing as a whole. So you can see I've added in a case study here and I've also added an innovation initiative. I've also taken the time to add a brief description so the clients can get a little bit of context around what those things are as they haven't had a look at them before.

Now moving on we've got the contact section. So best practice is to make sure that you're sending this to as many stakeholders as possible. We would say to reach for a minimum of around five stakeholders to make sure that anyone that is involved in those retention conversations, whether or not they're involved operationally, but to make sure they know all of the great things that you're doing so when it comes up to those conversations towards the end of the contract, they already know the benefits that you are delivering to them.


Now the next section would be the actions. So it is really important to make sure you are logging your actions in the system following your reviews and actually assigning those to people making sure that those are ticked off and are completed. So you can see I've added a couple of examples here and the last section is to make scoring mandatory or optional.


So if you're sending it on a monthly basis you can make it optional but we would say to make it mandatory at least once a quarter and then you can send your reviews. Now once you've sent out your review you can come to your dashboard and see all of the key information in one place with your score cards on the left tracking scores from your clients and if I go into here and I see analytics you can then see what scores your clients have given you individually and you can see whether they've requested follow-ups. You can also resend to your selected recipients here or add a recipient at a later date and send that to them.

It's really important also to see that you can generate a link so you can also copy this and send an email to actually encourage your clients to score to make sure that you are managing risk in the account. So as I scroll up you'll also see you've got your follow-up requests here so it's really important to make sure that those are being reviewed by your leadership team and are ticked off once completed. Now you can tick off the follow-up requests, the upcoming actions and also any feedback comments that have been followed up on as well.


So I hope this was useful and I look forward to seeing your pulses go out. Thank you.



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We interviewed 100 senior leaders of B2B enterprises across the Logistics, FM, Contract Catering, IT, RPO and BPO sectors from the UK and US. The research reveals the failures of today's QBRs and highlights the urgent need for better business conversations. Learn more about where you can improve your QBRs to protect your margin and grow relationships with buyers today.