How to use Pulse's Share-to-Many feature effectively

This article outlines the key considerations to make prior to going live with Pulse Share-to-Many (STM). We recommend reading this article in full prior to launching the tool.



You may want to create an entirely separate Workspace for your Share-to-Many, this enables you to add additional customisation specific to the survey such as your CSAT questions or Leadership Message.

A separate Workspace also ensures the data will remain separate from your QBRs and other business reviews. Then you can add all of the clients (customers) that you wish to send the STM to into this Workspace, either via the import/export feature or manually in settings.



Communication is one of the most important aspects of launching Share-to-Many with your clients. Both internal and external communications should be completed in order to have a successful launch.

Key communications to consider listed below:

  • Why we are using Pulse Share-to-Many, and what to expect (internal).
  • Why we are using Pulse Share-to-Many, and what to expect (external).
  • Expectations for Account Management teams (engaging with customer responses, replying to feedback comments etc.).
  • What you scored us previously, and what we have done differently as a result (external), after the initial Share-to-Many.



We recommend sending a Share-to-Many review no less than once every quarter.



Ensure you are adding value to your Share-to-Many by providing some useful content for your customer. This may be a research whitepaper, thought leadership, a company newsletter, or relevant articles.



Gartner suggests the average number of people involved in any given B2B purchasing decision is 6-10. This is worth considering when deciding how many people your Share-to-Many should be reaching on average.



You can have between 2 and 4 CSAT questions on Pulse which are set at the Workspace level. The questions you select should be relevant to all of the customers within the STM Workspace.

You should be prepared to keep the same questions for at least two Share-to-Many reviews in order to analyse trends.


Introduction message:

The introduction message is one of the first things that your client sees when they first open Pulse. The message should be friendly and informative.


Leadership message:

The leadership message should come from a member of your Senior Management Team. The message itself should prompt the client to give written feedback, potentially suggest an area to give feedback on such as sustainability, relationship, communication etc.


Follow-ups & comments:

Once feedback starts coming in from your clients, it is critical to have a clear process for who should be managing and responding to feedback (this can be multiple people). Once this has been agreed, ensure this has been clearly communicated with the wider team. We also recommend setting a time frame in which all feedback should be managed, typically within 24-48 hours.



Read more:

How to use Pulse share to many

How to use Pulse Share-to-Many



How Pulse boosts growth



How to get the most out of Clientshare Pulse


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Download our research whitepaper, 'The QBR Delusion'

We interviewed hundreds of buyers of Logistics, FM, Contract Catering, IT, RPO and BPO services from the UK and US. The research uncovers an undeniable feeling among buyers that their suppliers need to start delivering better QBRs if they want to keep their business. Learn more about how your customers think you're losing out on key opportunities with them today.